From this place we would like to thank you for the pleasant cooperation the past year. We wish you and your family very happy holidays and a healthy and happy 2023.

We made a conscious decision not to send Christmas cards this year. Instead, we made a generous donation to three charities close to our hearts:

Amref Flying Doctors
Amref Flying Doctors is committed to a healthy and strong Africa under the motto “those who are healthy can take better care of themselves and escape poverty.” They are the largest African health organization and rely on the strength of the African people themselves. Amref operates in nine African countries. It is headquartered in Kenya and 90% of its employees are African.

Just Diggit
Just Diggit aims to green Africa over the next 10 years and inspire and motivate people around the world to get involved. Their dream: a green and cool Africa by 2030. An Africa greened by millions of farmers who restored their own land. Imagine the enormous effects that would have on incomes, biodiversity, regional climate and climate change worldwide.

Coop Africa
Cycling out of Povertyimproves access to basic needs and services, such as education, health care, employment and income through bicycles. Through their bicycle promotion activities, they contribute to developing a bicycle ecosystem for inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable cities or communities. They believe the bicycle can make a difference in this world and are committed to supporting schoolchildren, health volunteers, farmers and small business owners in Kenya and Uganda with bicycles and other mobility tools.